Transportation and Assignment problems with R

In the previous post “Linear Programming with R” we examined the approach to solve general linear programming problems with “Rglpk” and “lpSolve” packages. Today, let’s explore “lpSolve” package in depth with two specific problems of linear programming: transportation and assignment.

1. Transportation problem

Transportation problem, Frederick & Mark (2014, p.95)


lp.transport(cost.mat, direction="min", row.signs, row.rhs, col.signs,
               col.rhs, presolve=0, compute.sens=0, integers = 1:(nc*nr))

Code & Output:

# Transportation problem, Frederick & Mark (2014, p.95)
# Load "lpSolve" package

# Set up cost matrix
costs <- matrix(c(700, 800, 900, 900, 800, 700), nrow = 2)

# Set up constraint signs and right-hand sides
row.signs <- rep("<=", 2) 
row.rhs <- c(12, 15) 
col.signs <- rep(">=", 3)
col.rhs <- c(10, 8, 9)

# Run
lptrans <- lp.transport(costs, "min", row.signs, row.rhs, col.signs, col.rhs)
     [,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,]   10    2    0
[2,]    0    6    9
[1] 20500

The solution is shown as lptrans$solution and the total cost is 20500 as lptrans$objval.

2. Assignment problem

Assignment problem, Frederick & Mark (2014, p.99)


lp.assign(cost.mat, direction = "min", presolve = 0, compute.sens = 0)

Code & Output:

# Assignment problem,  Frederick & Mark (2014, p.99)
# Load "lpSolve" package

# Set up cost matrix
a <- matrix(c(35, 41, 27, 40, 47, 45, 32, 51, 39, 56, 36, 43, 32, 51, 25, 46), nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE)
b <- c(14, 12, 13, 15)
cost.mat <- a*b

# Run
lpassign <- lp.assign(cost.mat, direction = "min")
      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] 
 [1,]    0    0    1    0
 [2,]    0    1    0    0
 [3,]    0    0    0    1
 [4,]    1    0    0    0
[1] 1957

Similarly, the solution and the total cost are shown as lpassign$solution and lpassign$objval respectively.

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Bopanna PN
Bopanna PN
3 years ago

This article was really helpful, but I am facing issue while solving unbalanced transportation problem when there is excess demand. Could you please guide me on what has to be done in this case.

Bakula Venroo
Bakula Venroo
2 years ago

Hello sir, this article was really helpful. But, I am facing issue while solving unbalanced transportation problem when there is excess demand, it gives solution as no feasible solution. works perfectly fine for balanced and excess supply problems. Could you please guide me on why this issue is occurring and a possible solution for the same.
Thank you.