HubSpot Contact Properties List

Here is a lookup table of HubSpot’s default contact properties.

I have been working on HubSpot data analysis with R on a daily basis and having a good understanding of contact properties can save me a lot of time. HubSpot provides the properties CRM api for developers to get the contact properties list and also provides the explanations of all the default contact properties:

However, sometimes I find it a bit difficult to guess which property I should use to answer a question because the internal names of those properties are not that explicit. For example, Marketing emails opened is the property I should use to track the number of marketing emails a contact has opened but it took me a while to figure out the internal name is called hs_email_open. Therefore, I need a lookup table to show these information:

  • name: the internal name for data analysis, which is like variable name in a data frame;
  • label: the label name on HubSpot platform, which is easy to remember;
  • description: more information about a property;

Feel free to use it but please be aware that these are just the default contact properties from my test developer account. As such, please check HubSpot API if you want to have a full list of all your properties.

If you like you can use my R code below:


base_url <- ""
key <- "<Your HubSpot API Key>"

data <- paste0(base_url, "/properties/contacts?hapikey=", key) %>%
  GET() %>%
  content(as = "text") %>%
  fromJSON(flatten = TRUE)

contact_properties <- data$results
name label description
company_size Company size Contact’s company size. Required for the Facebook Ads Integration. Automatically synced from the Lead Ads tool.
date_of_birth Date of birth Contact’s date of birth. Required for the Facebook Ads Integration. Automatically synced from the Lead Ads tool.
days_to_close Days To Close Count of days elapsed between creation and being closed as a customer. Set automatically.
degree Degree Contact’s degree. Required for the Facebook Ads Integration. Automatically synced from the Lead Ads tool.
field_of_study Field of study Contact’s field of study. Required for the Facebook Ads Integration. Automatically synced from the Lead Ads tool.
first_conversion_date First Conversion Date Date this contact first submitted a form.
first_conversion_event_name First Conversion First form this contact submitted.
first_deal_created_date First Deal Created Date Date first deal was created for contact. Set automatically.
gender Gender Contact’s gender. Required for the Facebook Ads Integration. Automatically synced from the Lead Ads tool.
graduation_date Graduation date Contact’s graduation date. Required for the Facebook Ads Integration. Automatically synced from the Lead Ads tool.
hs_additional_emails Additional email addresses A set of additional email addresses for a contact
hs_all_contact_vids All vids for a contact A set of all vids, canonical or otherwise, for a contact
hs_analytics_first_touch_converting_campaign First Touch Converting Campaign Campaign responsible for the first touch creation of this contact.
hs_analytics_last_touch_converting_campaign Last Touch Converting Campaign Campaign responsible for the last touch creation of this contact.
hs_avatar_filemanager_key Avatar FileManager key The path in the FileManager CDN for this contact’s avatar override image. Automatically set by HubSpot.
hs_buying_role Buying Role Role the contact plays during the sales process. Contacts can have multiple roles, and can share roles with others.
hs_calculated_form_submissions All form submissions for a contact A set of all form submissions for a contact
hs_calculated_merged_vids Merged vids with timestamps of a contact Merged vids with timestamps of a contact
hs_calculated_mobile_number Calculated Mobile Number in International Format Mobile number in international format
hs_calculated_phone_number Calculated Phone Number in International Format Phone number in international format
hs_calculated_phone_number_area_code Calculated Phone Number Area Code Area Code of the calculated phone number
hs_calculated_phone_number_country_code Calculated Phone Number Country Code Country code of the calculated phone number
hs_calculated_phone_number_region_code Calculated Phone Number Region ISO2 Country code for the derived phone number
hs_content_membership_email_confirmed Email Confirmed Email Confirmation status of user of Content Membership
hs_content_membership_notes Membership Notes Notes relating to the contact’s content membership.
hs_content_membership_registered_at Registered At Datetime at which this user was set up for Content Membership
hs_content_membership_registration_domain_sent_to Domain to which registration email was sent Domain to which the registration invitation email for Content Membership was sent to
hs_content_membership_registration_email_sent_at Time registration email was sent Datetime at which this user was sent a registration invitation email for Content Membership
hs_content_membership_status Status Status of the contact’s content membership.
hs_conversations_visitor_email Conversations visitor email A Conversations visitor’s email address
hs_count_is_unworked Count of unengaged contacts if contact is assigned and unworked, set to 1. if contact is assigned and worked, set to 0.
hs_count_is_worked Count of engaged contacts if contact is assigned and worked, set to 1. if contact is assigned and unworked, set to 0.
hs_created_by_conversations Created By Conversations Flag indicating this contact was created by the Conversations API
hs_created_by_user_id Created by user ID The user that created this object. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified.
hs_createdate Object create date/time The date and time at which this object was created. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified.
hs_document_last_revisited Recent Document Revisit Date The last time a shared document (presentation) was accessed by this contact
hs_email_bad_address Invalid email address The email address associated with this contact is invalid.
hs_email_customer_quarantined_reason Email address quarantine reason The reason why the email address has been quarantined.
hs_email_domain Email Domain A contact’s email address domain
hs_email_hard_bounce_reason Email hard bounce reason The issue that caused a contact to hard bounce from your emails. If this is an error or a temporary issue, you can unbounce this contact from the contact record.
hs_email_hard_bounce_reason_enum Email hard bounce reason The issue that caused a contact to hard bounce from your emails. If this is an error or a temporary issue, you can unbounce this contact from the contact record.
hs_email_quarantined Email Address Quarantined Indicates that the current email address has been quarantined for anti-abuse reasons and any marketing email sends to it will be blocked. This is automatically set by HubSpot.
hs_email_quarantined_reason Email address internal quarantine reason The internal reason why the email address has been quarantined.
hs_email_recipient_fatigue_recovery_time Email Address Recipient Fatigue Next Available Sending Time When this recipient has reached the limit of email sends per time period, this property indicates the next available time to send. This is automatically set by HubSpot.
hs_email_sends_since_last_engagement Sends Since Last Engagement The number of marketing emails that have been sent to the current email address since the last engagement (open or link click). This is automatically set by HubSpot.
hs_emailconfirmationstatus Marketing email confirmation status The status of a contact’s eligibility to receive marketing email. This is automatically set by HubSpot.
hs_facebook_ad_clicked Clicked Facebook ad Whether contact has clicked a Facebook ad
hs_facebook_click_id Facebook click id NA
hs_facebookid Facebook ID A contact’s facebook id
hs_feedback_last_nps_follow_up Last NPS survey comment Last NPS survey comment that this contact gave
hs_feedback_last_nps_rating Last NPS survey rating Last NPS survey rating that this contact gave
hs_feedback_last_survey_date Last NPS survey date The time that this contact last submitted a NPS survey response. This is automatically set by HubSpot.
hs_feedback_show_nps_web_survey Should be shown an NPS web survey Whether or not a contact should be shown an NPS web survey. This is automatically set by HubSpot.
hs_first_engagement_object_id ID of first engagement The object id of the current contact owner’s first engagement with the contact. Used in Sales Analytics app.
hs_google_click_id Google ad click id NA
hs_googleplusid googleplus ID A contact’s googleplus id
hs_ip_timezone IP Timezone The timezone reported by a contact’s IP address. This is automatically set by HubSpot and can be used for segmentation and reporting.
hs_is_contact Is a contact Is a contact, has not been deleted and is not a visitor
hs_is_unworked Contact unworked Contact has not been assigned or has not been engaged after last owner assignment/re-assignment
hs_last_sales_activity_date last sales activity date old The date of the last sales activity with the contact. This property is set automatically by HubSpot. Note: This field is only updated for contacts with an owner.
hs_last_sales_activity_timestamp Last Sales Activity Date The date of the last sales activity with the contact.
hs_lastmodifieddate Object last modified date/time Most recent timestamp of any property update for this contact. This includes HubSpot internal properties, which can be visible or hidden. This property is updated automatically.
hs_lead_status Lead Status The contact’s sales, prospecting or outreach status
hs_legal_basis Legal basis for processing contact’s data Legal basis for processing contact’s data; ‘Not applicable’ will exempt the contact from GDPR protections
hs_linkedinid Linkedin ID A contact’s linkedin id
hs_marketable_reason_id Marketing status source name The ID of the activity that set the contact as a marketing contact
hs_marketable_reason_type Marketing status source type The type of the activity that set the contact as a marketing contact
hs_marketable_status Marketing status The marketing status of a contact
hs_marketable_until_renewal Marketing Until Next Update Specifies if this contact will be set as non-marketing on renewal
hs_merged_object_ids Merged object IDs The list of object IDs that have been merged into this object. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified.
hs_object_id Contact ID The unique ID for this contact. This unique ID is automatically populated by HubSpot and cannot be changed.
hs_predictivecontactscore_v2 Likelihood to close The probability that a contact will become a customer within the next 90 days. This score is based on standard contact properties and behavior.
hs_predictivescoringtier Contact priority A ranking system of contacts evenly assigned into four tiers. Contacts in tier one are more likely to become customers than contacts in tier four.
hs_sa_first_engagement_date Date of first engagement The date the current contact owner first engaged with the contact. Used in Sales Analytics app.
hs_sa_first_engagement_descr Description of first engagement A description of the current contact owner’s first engagement with the contact. Used in the Sales Analytics app.
hs_sa_first_engagement_object_type Type of first engagement The object type of the current contact owner’s first engagement with the contact. Used in the Sales Analytics app.
hs_sales_email_last_clicked Recent Sales Email Clicked Date The last time a tracked sales email was clicked by this user
hs_sales_email_last_opened Recent Sales Email Opened Date The last time a tracked sales email was opened by this contact. This property does not update for emails that were sent to more than one contact.
hs_searchable_calculated_international_mobile_number Calculated Mobile Number with country code Mobile number with country code
hs_searchable_calculated_international_phone_number Calculated Phone Number with country code Phone number with country code
hs_searchable_calculated_mobile_number Calculated Mobile Number without country code Mobile number without country code
hs_searchable_calculated_phone_number Calculated Phone Number without country code Phone number without country code
hs_sequences_is_enrolled Currently in Sequence A yes/no field that indicates whether the contact is currently in a Sequence.
hs_time_to_first_engagement Lead response time Time it took current owner to do first qualifying engagement (ms). Used in Sales Analytics app.
hs_twitterid Twitter ID A contact’s twitter id
hs_updated_by_user_id Updated by user ID The user that last updated this object. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified.
hs_user_ids_of_all_owners User IDs of all owners The user IDs of all owners of this object
hubspot_owner_assigneddate Owner Assigned Date The most recent date a HubSpot Owner was assigned to a contact. This is set automatically by HubSpot and can be used for segmentation and reporting.
ip_city IP City The city reported by a contact’s IP address. This is automatically set by HubSpot and can be used for segmentation and reporting.
ip_country IP Country The country reported by a contact’s IP address. This is automatically set by HubSpot and can be used for segmentation and reporting.
ip_country_code IP Country Code The country code reported by a contact’s IP address. This is automatically set by HubSpot and can be used for segmentation and reporting.
ip_latlon IP Latitude & Longitude NA
ip_state IP State/Region The state or region reported by a contact’s IP address. This is automatically set by HubSpot and can be used for segmentation and reporting.
ip_state_code IP State Code/Region Code The state code or region code reported by a contact’s IP address. This is automatically set by HubSpot and can be used for segmentation and reporting.
ip_zipcode IP Zipcode The zipcode reported by a contact’s IP address. This is automatically set by HubSpot and can be used for segmentation and reporting.
job_function Job function Contact’s job function. Required for the Facebook Ads Integration. Automatically synced from the Lead Ads tool.
lastmodifieddate Last Modified Date The date any property on this contact was modified
marital_status Marital Status Contact’s marital status. Required for the Facebook Ads Integration. Automatically synced from the Lead Ads tool.
military_status Military status Contact’s military status. Required for the Facebook Ads Integration. Automatically synced from the Lead Ads tool.
num_associated_deals Associated Deals Count of deals associated with this contact. Set automatically by HubSpot.
num_conversion_events Number of Form Submissions The number of forms this contact has submitted
num_unique_conversion_events Number of Unique Forms Submitted The number of different forms this contact has submitted
recent_conversion_date Recent Conversion Date The date this contact last submitted a form
recent_conversion_event_name Recent Conversion The last form this contact submitted
recent_deal_amount Recent Deal Amount Amount of last closed won deal associated with a contact. Set automatically.
recent_deal_close_date Recent Deal Close Date Date last deal associated with contact was closed-won. Set automatically.
relationship_status Relationship Status Contact’s relationship status. Required for the Facebook Ads Integration. Automatically synced from the Lead Ads tool.
school School Contact’s school. Required for the Facebook Ads Integration. Automatically synced from the Lead Ads tool.
seniority Seniority Contact’s seniority. Required for the Facebook Ads Integration. Automatically synced from the Lead Ads tool.
start_date Start date Contact’s start date. Required for the Facebook Ads Integration. Automatically synced from the Lead Ads tool.
total_revenue Total Revenue Sum of all closed-won deal revenue associated with the contact. Set automatically.
work_email Work email Contact’s work email. Required for the Facebook Ads Integration. Automatically synced from the Lead Ads tool.
firstname First Name A contact’s first name
hs_analytics_first_url First Page Seen First page the contact visited on your website. Set automatically.
hs_email_delivered Marketing emails delivered The number of marketing emails delivered for the current email address. This is automatically set by HubSpot.
hs_email_optout_10826236 Opted out of email: Customer Service Communication Indicates that the current email address has opted out of this email type.
twitterhandle Twitter Username The contact’s Twitter handle. This is set by HubSpot using the contact’s email address.
currentlyinworkflow Currently in workflow True when contact is enrolled in a workflow.
followercount Follower Count The number of Twitter followers a contact has
hs_analytics_last_url Last Page Seen Last page the contact visited on your website. Set automatically.
hs_email_open Marketing emails opened The number of marketing emails opened for the current email address. This is automatically set by HubSpot.
lastname Last Name A contact’s last name
hs_analytics_num_page_views Number of Pageviews Total number of page views this contact has had on your website. Set automatically.
hs_email_click Marketing emails clicked The number of marketing emails which have had link clicks for the current email address. This is automatically set by HubSpot.
salutation Salutation The title used to address a contact
twitterprofilephoto Twitter Profile Photo The contact’s Twitter profile photo. This is set by HubSpot using the contact’s email address.
email Email A contact’s email address
hs_analytics_num_visits Number of Sessions Number of times a contact has come to your website. Set automatically.
hs_email_bounce Marketing emails bounced The number of marketing emails that bounced for the current email address. This is automatically set by HubSpot.
hs_persona Persona A contact’s persona
hs_social_last_engagement Most Recent Social Click The date of the most recent click on a published social message. This is set automatically by HubSpot for each contact.
hs_analytics_num_event_completions Number of event completions Total number of events for this contact. Set automatically.
hs_email_optout Unsubscribed from all email Indicates that the current email address has opted out of all email.
hs_social_twitter_clicks Twitter Clicks The number of times a contact clicked on links you shared on Twitter through HubSpot. This is set automatically by HubSpot and can be used for segmentation.
mobilephone Mobile Phone Number A contact’s mobile phone number
phone Phone Number A contact’s primary phone number
fax Fax Number A contact’s primary fax number
hs_analytics_first_timestamp Time First Seen First time the contact has been seen. Set automatically.
hs_email_last_email_name Last marketing email name The name of the last marketing email sent to the current email address. This is automatically set by HubSpot.
hs_email_last_send_date Last marketing email send date The date of the most recent delivery for any marketing email to the current email address. This is automatically set by HubSpot.
hs_social_facebook_clicks Facebook Clicks The number clicks on links shared on Facebook
address Street Address Contact’s street address, including apartment or unit number.
engagements_last_meeting_booked Date of last meeting booked in meetings tool Date of most recent meeting the contact booked through the meetings tool.
engagements_last_meeting_booked_campaign Campaign of last booking in meetings tool UTM parameter for marketing campaign (e.g. a specific email) responsible for recent meeting booking. Only populated when tracking parameters are included in meeting link.
engagements_last_meeting_booked_medium Medium of last booking in meetings tool UTM parameter for the channel (e.g. email) responsible for most recent meeting booking. Only populated when tracking parameters are included in meeting link.
engagements_last_meeting_booked_source Source of last booking in meetings tool UTM parameter for the site (e.g. Twitter) responsible for most recent meeting booking. Only populated when tracking parameters are included in meeting link.
hs_analytics_first_visit_timestamp Time of First Session First time the contact visited your website. Set automatically.
hs_email_last_open_date Last marketing email open date The date of the most recent open for any marketing email to the current email address. This is automatically set by HubSpot.
hs_latest_meeting_activity Latest meeting activity The date of the most recent meeting (past or upcoming) logged for, scheduled with, or booked by this contact.
hs_sales_email_last_replied Recent Sales Email Replied Date The last time a tracked sales email was replied to by this user. This is set automatically by HubSpot based on user actions in the contact record.
hs_social_linkedin_clicks LinkedIn Clicks The number clicks on links shared on LinkedIn
hubspot_owner_id Contact owner The owner of a contact. This can be any HubSpot user or Salesforce integration user, and can be set manually or via Workflows.
notes_last_contacted Last Contacted The last time a call, email, or meeting was logged for a contact. This is set automatically by HubSpot based on user actions in the contact record.
notes_last_updated Last Activity Date The last time a note, call, email, meeting, or task was logged for a contact. This is set automatically by HubSpot based on user actions in the contact record.
notes_next_activity_date Next Activity Date The date of the next upcoming activity for a contact. This is set automatically by HubSpot based on user actions in the contact record.
num_contacted_notes Number of times contacted The number of times a call, email, or meeting was logged for a contact. This is set automatically by HubSpot based on user actions in the contact record.
num_notes Number of Sales Activities The number of sales activities for a contact. This is set automatically by HubSpot based on user actions in the contact record.
owneremail HubSpot Owner Email (legacy) A legacy property used to identify the email address of the owner of the contact. This property is no longer in use.
ownername HubSpot Owner Name (legacy) A legacy property used to identify the name of the owner of the contact. This property is no longer in use.
surveymonkeyeventlastupdated SurveyMonkey Event Last Updated This field is meaningless on its own, and is solely used for triggering dynamic list updates when SurveyMonkey information is updated
webinareventlastupdated Webinar Event Last Updated This field is meaningless on its own, and is solely used for triggering dynamic list updates when webinar information is updated
city City A contact’s city of residence
hs_analytics_last_timestamp Time Last Seen Timestamp for most recent webpage view on your website.
hs_email_last_click_date Last marketing email click date The date of the most recent link click for any marketing email to the current email address. This is automatically set by HubSpot.
hs_social_google_plus_clicks Google Plus Clicks The number clicks on links shared on Google Plus
hubspot_team_id HubSpot Team The team of the owner of a contact.
linkedinbio LinkedIn Bio A contact’s LinkedIn bio
twitterbio Twitter Bio The contact’s Twitter bio. This is set by HubSpot using the contact’s email address.
hs_all_owner_ids All owner ids The value of all owner referencing properties for this object, both default and custom
hs_analytics_last_visit_timestamp Time of Last Session Timestamp for start of the most recent session for this contact to your website.
hs_email_first_send_date First marketing email send date The date of the earliest delivery for any marketing email to the current email address. This is automatically set by HubSpot.
hs_social_num_broadcast_clicks Broadcast Clicks The number of clicks on published social messages. This is set automatically by HubSpot for each contact.
state State/Region The contact’s state of residence. This might be set via import, form, or integration.
hs_all_team_ids All team ids The team ids corresponding to all owner referencing properties for this object, both default and custom
hs_analytics_source Original Source First known source the contact used to find your website. Set automatically, but may be updated manually.
hs_email_first_open_date First marketing email open date The date of the earliest open for any marketing email to the current email address. This is automatically set by HubSpot.
zip Postal Code The contact’s zip code. This might be set via import, form, or integration.
country Country/Region The contact’s country/region of residence. This might be set via import, form, or integration.
hs_all_accessible_team_ids All accessible team ids The team ids, including up the team hierarchy, corresponding to all owner referencing properties for this object, both default and custom
hs_analytics_source_data_1 Original Source Drill-Down 1 Additional information about the source the contact used to find your website. Set automatically.
hs_email_first_click_date First marketing email click date The date of the earliest link click for any marketing email to the current email address. This is automatically set by HubSpot.
linkedinconnections LinkedIn Connections How many LinkedIn connections they have
hs_analytics_source_data_2 Original Source Drill-Down 2 Additional information about the source the contact used to find your website. Set automatically.
hs_email_is_ineligible Is globally ineligible Indicates the contact is globally ineligible for email.
hs_language Preferred language Set your contact’s preferred language for communications. This property can be changed from an import, form, or integration.
kloutscoregeneral Klout Score A contact’s Klout score, a measure of Internet influence
hs_analytics_first_referrer First Referring Site URL that referred the contact to your website. Set automatically.
jobtitle Job Title A contact’s job title
photo Photo Social Media photo
hs_analytics_last_referrer Last Referring Site Last URL that referred contact to your website. Set automatically.
message Message A default property to be used for any message or comments a contact may want to leave on a form.
closedate Close Date Date the contact became a customer. Set automatically when a deal or opportunity is marked as closed-won. It can also be set manually or programmatically.
hs_analytics_average_page_views Average Pageviews Average number of pageviews per session for this contact. Set automatically.
hs_analytics_revenue Event Revenue Set event revenue on a contact though the Enterprise Events feature.
hs_lifecyclestage_lead_date Became a Lead Date The date when a contact’s lifecycle stage changed to Lead. This is automatically set by HubSpot for each contact.
hs_lifecyclestage_marketingqualifiedlead_date Became a Marketing Qualified Lead Date The date when a contact’s lifecycle stage changed to MQL. This is automatically set by HubSpot for each contact.
hs_lifecyclestage_opportunity_date Became an Opportunity Date The date when a contact’s lifecycle stage changed to Opportunity. This is automatically set by HubSpot for each contact.
lifecyclestage Lifecycle Stage The qualification of contacts to sales readiness. It can be set through imports, forms, workflows, and manually on a per contact basis.
hs_lifecyclestage_salesqualifiedlead_date Became a Sales Qualified Lead Date The date when a contact’s lifecycle stage changed to SQL. This is automatically set by HubSpot for each contact.
createdate Create Date The date that a contact entered the system
hs_lifecyclestage_evangelist_date Became an Evangelist Date The date when a contact’s lifecycle stage changed to Evangelist. This is automatically set by HubSpot for each contact.
hs_lifecyclestage_customer_date Became a Customer Date The date when a contact’s lifecycle stage changed to Customer. This is automatically set by HubSpot for each contact.
hubspotscore HubSpot Score The number that shows qualification of contacts to sales readiness. It can be set in HubSpot’s Lead Scoring app.
company Company Name Name of the contact’s company. This can be set independently from the name property on the contact’s associated company.
hs_lifecyclestage_subscriber_date Became a Subscriber Date The date when a contact’s lifecycle stage changed to Subscriber. This is automatically set by HubSpot for each contact.
hs_lifecyclestage_other_date Became an Other Lifecycle Date The date when a contact’s lifecycle stage changed to Other. This is automatically set by HubSpot for each contact.
website Website URL Associated company website.
numemployees Number of Employees The number of company employees
annualrevenue Annual Revenue Annual company revenue
industry Industry The Industry a contact is in
associatedcompanyid Associated Company ID HubSpot defined ID of a contact’s associated company in HubSpot.
associatedcompanylastupdated Associated Company Last Updated This field is meaningless on its own, and is solely used for triggering dynamic list updates when a company is updated
hs_predictivecontactscorebucket Lead Rating The rating of this contact based on their predictive lead score
hs_predictivecontactscore Predictive Lead Score A score calculated by HubSpot that represents a contact’s likelihood to become a customer

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