How to (Mis)use HubSpot Custom Objects

Custom Object in HubSpot is an enterprise feature which allows you to store customised information about your business, along with standardised objects such as Contacts, Companies and Deals.

Depends on your business, you may have different use cases to leverage this flexibility. In this post I would like to share one of the use cases which I found very interesting to open to more possibilities: using Custom Objects to store metrics for reporting purpose.

If you often work with dashboards and reports in HubSpot, you’ve definitely run into some limitations. For example, you cannot track and visualise historical data in a straightforward way. Taking lead scoring for instance, there’s a way to visualise how a lead score changes overtime, making it less transparent and difficult for sales to follow up.

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Innovate Internal and Customer Support with an LLM-Powered Slack Bot for B2B

I’ve been looking for AI use cases in B2B SaaS and lately found out one from Pipedream which is really interesting and I think it’s worth to introduce to more B2B companies.

Pi, a Slack bot powered by Pipedream and GPT-4

Pipedream is an automation platform for developers and they created this Slack bot for their Slack community. Even since I joined their Slack channel, I’ve seen people chat with Pi every day across all kinds of questions regarding Pipedream. Pi is built on top of Pipedream official documents and thus its answer is specific to their business context compared to generic answers from ChatGPT. It definitely helps a lot for both Pipedream team and the community. With this a great success, Pipedream team even shares a detailed article about how to create your own chat bot.

However, before we start creating a similar bot, it’s more useful to know where we come from and where we’re heading to.


LLM Input/Output
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Exploring LLM Use Cases in B2B SaaS Through AI.JSX’s Sidekick

The explosive growth of ChatGPT has seamlessly blended into my daily workflow, fueling strategic discussions and code-writing endeavors. Its significant impact has piqued my curiosity regarding the potential advantages it can unveil for B2B SaaS companies.

On a quest for inspiring use cases, I discovered AI.JSX, a compelling AI application framework for JavaScript. It facilitates the creation of Sidekicks (conversational assistants) using personalized data, presenting a trio of core pillars: DocsQA, Tools, and GenUI.

AI.JSX Sidekick Example
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3 Reasons Why Marketing Operation Manager Should Learn Node.js

If you are working in a role in Marketing/Sales/Revenue Operations and your daily work includes automation, integration, and dashboard and reporting, you may wonder, why would I learn a programming language for my daily work when most of the time I can do it without having to write code? Truth is, you would agree that at some point or for some specific tasks, you do wish you could be able to write simple scripts to get things done. Good news is it’s actually not that hard to learn some basics of a programming language and you can apply it to your work right away!

That’s how I started learning Node.js!

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How to customize bar colors in a waterfall chart in Google Sheets

Waterfall chart is a good way to show changes overtime. One good example is showing how business revenue is growing in different components over a certain period so that you can have an overview of growth drivers.

Here is a use case where I want to illustrate how ARR is growing in the past year and the formula is very straightforward:

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