Tag Archives: R Cheat Sheet

ggplot2 Theme Elements Demonstration

ggplot2 is one of the most powerful packages in r for data visualizations and it is essential to master the underlying grammar of graphics to fully utilize its power. While the theming system of ggplot2 allows you to customize the appearance of the plot according to our needs in practice, it is always a frustration to identify the elements on the plot you want to change as you may find it difficult to remember the element names and their corresponding functions to modify, at least this is the case for me.

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R Basic Takeaways

While learning R, I was always thinking to make some notes and some of the concepts really took me more time than what I expected. That is why I am planning to make a Cheat Sheet for R so that I can always come back to check the key points instead of searching online every time. Therefore, I will first make a summary, in this post, of the key points from the books I read and update it when necessary. Hopefully, I can make an R Cheat Sheet based on this in the end.

Asking for help

Asking for help in R

Inspecting Data

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